Tuesday 11 September 2012

Let's try again...

So, I've started another new blog. My old one got hacked and all the posts got deleted. So frustrating!
For those of you who didn't read my old blog, I'll let you in on a few little facts about me.

- I'm 20 years old, but nearly 21!!
- I'm in love with anything fashion&beauty related, and I also love home decoration.
- I'm a plus size girl, and not ashamed to admit it. I may not be skinny, but I sure am happy!
- I work in a call centre, not the most glamourous job, but it funds my beauty addiction.
- I have an extremely eclectic taste in music.
- I'm not very interesting!

This blog is going to be a total mix of hair, beauty, fashion and homey things!

Oh! Talking of hair, in 2 weeks time I'm investing in some Micro-Ring extensions. I'm extremely excited about the prospect of having long, luscious hair without having to spend 45 minutes every morning backcombing, hairspraying and clipping in my hair extensions. The girl who is doing them has offered me a brilliant deal and I'm really impressed with her customer service so far. I met her at my previous job and she has recently started up her own business. I'm a sucker for anyone with a new venture and love helping people out. She is in the Hertfordshire area and her Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/#!/KashStyle4.

I'll definetely do another blog post once I have had my extensions fitted, with before and after pictures so you can see the difference. My hair is pretty thin on one side from all the bleaching I did to it a few months ago, seems like a waste of time now considering I've dyed it dark brown! Hopefully the extensions will fill it out and make my hair thick and lusicous!

Speak Soon!

Lisa-Marie xoxo